without words – sans texte – sin palabras
”Crazy Little Pigs” is played with table puppets and two puppeteers ... trouble-free transport by air.

35th Festival Cervantino de Cleta 2009
5 performances ”Crazy Little Pigs”
in the streets of Guanajuato
Three pigs roam around the country an all of a sudden stop infront of a pile of big boxes. Enthusiastically they try to build something with them. Suddenly a wolf
The silence is intruded. Something has got to be done .
Fortunately there are the boxes. But whatever arises of them, the wolf does not want to leave. Only
a trick may help. The pigs are deliberating, experimenting and trying out. They are full of ideas to protect themselves – only one thing does not come into their mind. Is the wolf actually
4 years and older
The story is a play with fancy music and impressive pictures. It is about stereotypes, rejection of foreigners, and fear but also about getting used to each other, fun and lust for life.
The dramaturgy of life can be discovered and experienced. Without saying nothing. Only the animals talk and that in their own language.
A complete speechless fable about the
lack of understanding between human beings.
International theatre for the entire family- indoor and outdoor.
Stage: 4 m x 3 m